19 September
I wouldn’t reveal any secrets if I were to say
that good and the evil are both exist within all of us.
That is why,
at times, you find yourself being surprised by something you have just done, facing
the fact that the person living inside of you is capable of that much good or that
much evil.
That is the
reason, I believe, why societies need an organizing hand to control the two
aspects of our nature. That organizing hand has to be a form of authority that
is respected by everyone --that is important-- and it has to be well informed,
which is what my job as a lobbyist is all about. I help Europe and the
lawmakers in Brussels to be well informed when they are shaping policies by
getting the information from my clients, which are multi-national companies. When
the European Commission wishes to introduce new legislation with regard to a
certain topic, they need to understand how companies will be impacted and they
need to form the legislation in such a way as to not cause negative effects.
So, we link the industry to the policymakers in order to allow them communicate
– that is all what I am trying to do.
Do you know for instance how much of the carbon
emissions were caused by the industry before they were controlled? When the
European Parliament wished to cut its emissions, they needed to create the
right environment for companies who were causing these emissions and they had
to shape legislations accordingly. For one thing, without the correct
incentives nobody wanted to lose their position in the competition. And let’s not
forget that these companies employed lots of people and any harm they suffered
meant that their employees suffered which meant political costs.
Speaking frankly, if I and many of my colleagues
did not do a very successful job of lobbying through the 10s and 20s, none of
the legislative procedures would have been successful and the massive cuts in
the carbon emissions would not have to happen.
We had to approach
the right people, get them inside the same room and know the tricks to be able
to do so. I had worked in Brussels prior to being a lobbyist, so I know people
and I know their needs and necessities and the restrictions within which they
operate. In the end, it is all about understanding the power and limits of
everyone and picking the right group, linking them together, having some
coffee, giving some good ideas when drafting the legislation and making the
deals, that is it. By doing so, we have not only helped the transition to
sustainable energy resources but also created lots of new jobs in the
industries which have helped communities everywhere.
Let’s face
it, if you don’t link any kind of change to the economical realities of the
industry nothing will happen, so you must listen to them, and it is not like we
are dictating anything. Brussels is hungry for information, they are not doing
trade, they are not operating within the market realities, they are civil
servants and they ask for information and I simply link my clients to them for accessing
that information.
Do you know, for instance, the quantity of
start-ups today that have developed the right automatization tools like robots
and software that can help businesses? There loads of them and they can take
over lots of jobs off the shoulders of the industry and the shoulders of the
worker who has to do the work? They know exactly how to replace the old world’s
jobs and get them done automatically. We need to put these companies into
business and we need the right regulative environment for this. We need to
adjust the severance pay regulations, we need to adjust the holiday allowances
and many other things.
Notice that this is going to liberate
individuals from mundane work, companies will reduce their operational costs
greatly and it will increase productivity of our economy, which is key in order
to be able to keep paying the pensions.
This is the message we are communicating
and we keep hammering it into the minds of the lawmakers each time we have the
opportunity to exchange ideas and it is happening because they are willing to
listen to the service industry, naturally. If you also
do want to influence the process, that is totally fine by me. Please go ahead,
organize yourself, write down your agenda and communicate it to the decision
makers, you know where they are. I have a job and my job is to inform the
commissioners that are taking care of my file according to the interests of the
people I am responsible for. It is the responsibility of Brussels to ensure they
are respected by the populations. I can’t do it for them and I can’t be
responsible for communicating your ideas with the decision makers you want to
everyone has a role which they need to stick to. I am not going to apologize
for fulfilling my role and doing my job. In the end, I am paid to put my time
and energy into this role and I have a responsibility to the people who are paying
me, whose identities are available to anybody interested. In the end, these are
democratic institutions, thankfully, and they are operating with transparent
procedures. This is not a good or evil story as some would have you believe, but
just people doing what they have to do.
Pascal Leroy