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For Inquiries about organizing
exhibitions, workshops or any other type of a collaboration please send us a
message. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Here are some examples of collaborations:
Post-Fossil city exhibition is organized by Urban Futures Studio of Utrecht University and the aim was to imagine a future city that is no longer reliant on fossil fuels. Letters from 2050 is exhibited as part of the traveling exhibition aiming give a glimpse from a post-fossil world through personal stories.
Visitors were invited to describe themselves and their expectations from the future and based on their responses, new letters are written and sent to their addresses.
ACT. Festival in Amsterdam is organized by ASN Bank and aimed at a new generation of young people. ASN Bank prides itself as a socially responsible bank and the festival is aimed at a new generation of environmentally conscious people. Letters from 2050 was exhibited during the festival and the letters were read by hundreds of people within hours.
Letters from 2050 is approached by cities to exhibit the project during the events in which future visions for their cities are discussed. The citizens engaging with the project are invited to write and send letters to each other.
Post-Fossil city exhibition is organized by Urban Futures Studio of Utrecht University and the aim was to imagine a future city that is no longer reliant on fossil fuels. Letters from 2050 is exhibited as part of the traveling exhibition aiming give a glimpse from a post-fossil world through personal stories.
Visitors were invited to describe themselves and their expectations from the future and based on their responses, new letters are written and sent to their addresses.
ACT. Festival in Amsterdam is organized by ASN Bank and aimed at a new generation of young people. ASN Bank prides itself as a socially responsible bank and the festival is aimed at a new generation of environmentally conscious people. Letters from 2050 was exhibited during the festival and the letters were read by hundreds of people within hours.
Letters from 2050 is approached by cities to exhibit the project during the events in which future visions for their cities are discussed. The citizens engaging with the project are invited to write and send letters to each other.
Letters from 2050
Stadhuisplein 15
3012AR, Rotterdam
T: +31 6 423 44 584
Stadhuisplein 15
3012AR, Rotterdam
T: +31 6 423 44 584